Tag Archives: campus

Center for Constitutional Rights: Students Face Death Threats for Speaking in Support of Palestinian Rights

April 25, 2012, New York–Today, the Center for Constitutional Rights and other Rights Groups issued the following statement in support of student groups promoting awareness in college communities about the Palestinian peoples’ struggle for freedom and human rights. Members of the student group Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at Florida Atlantic University recently faced intense pressure from outside groups and were the subject of death threats after organizing a non-violent action to protest the demolition of Palestinian homes by Israeli forces. Students participating in the action posted 200 fake eviction notices on dorm room doors to raise awareness of the issue.  

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CS4AF: Treatment of UCLA Professor adversely affects academic freedom

April 18, 2012

To: Andrew Leuchter, Chair, Academic Senate UCLA

*CALIFORNIA SCHOLARS FOR ACADEMIC FREEDOM** *(CS4AF) is a group of 134 scholars at twenty California institutions of higher education.  We are writing to express our concerns about your handling of the events surrounding Associate Professor David Delgado Shorter’s, World Arts and Cultures course website which followed a complaint by a well-known partisan duo who have been harassing California faculty for some time (Amcha).

Our concerns involve the possible violation of academic freedom; the overstepping of your authority as Chair of the Academic Senate; honoring of complaints by a clearly partisan political group over collegiality and protocol regarding treatment of tenured faculty at UCLA; and setting up Prof. Shorter to be judged in the “court of public opinion” by releasing information to the press without his knowledge.  Continue reading

LA Times: UCLA professor told not to link class material to anti-Israel campaign

Larry Gordon, Los Angeles Times, April 16, 2012

In a situation that stirred questions about academic freedom, a UCLA professor has been asked not to link his class online syllabus in the World Arts and Cultures/Dance Department to a website that called for a boycott of Israel, according to the head of the campus faculty Senate.

The link from class materials last quarter to that boycott campaign stepped too far into political activities, according to Andrew Leuchter, chairman of UCLA’s faculty Senate. Leuchter said the professor, David Delgado Shorter, has agreed not to repeat the link in future courses. But Shorter said he made no such promise.  Continue reading

WDFSAWU: Banning protesters an attack on democracy

By Stephen D’Arcy, We demand free speech at Western University, Sunday, April 14, 2012

The City of London Ontario certainly benefits in innumerable ways from the presence of a major research university in this city. But the benefits flow in both directions. Western University needs Londoners as much as London needs Western.

In particular, the city and the university enjoy the benefits of a vigorous public sphere that stretches across the boundaries of Western’s campus to encompass the whole city.

At its best, this public sphere draws students, staff and faculty from the university, as well as citizens, activists, elected officials and advocacy groups from across London, into discussion about public policy, social justice and the common good. The voices of researchers, advocates, journalists, social critics and concerned citizens mingle in reasoned discussion that form the basis for democratic civic life.

We ought to be alarmed, therefore, when we see the university taking steps to target Londoners who visit the campus to contribute to public dialogue. Recently, Western issued an order prohibiting two London community activists from setting foot on any part of the university campus (Occupy architect battles campus ban, April 9).

Why would the university, through its campus community police service, choose to target activists from the wider city in this way? One might imagine these activists had engaged in some sort of violent or disruptive protest, hindering the capacity of the university to carry out its mission. In fact, they participated in a protest that was neither violent nor disruptive. Instead, it was a silent vigil, in which advocates for Palestinian human rights covered their mouths with tape, in a peaceful and non-confrontational protest during an Israel Day event taking place at Western.  Continue reading

SFSC Letter: Campus censorship is complicity in the oppression of Palestinians

To: William Randolph Woodson, Chancellor, North Carolina State University

Dear Mr. Woodson,                                                                             4/3/2012

The Seriously Free Speech Committee is a Vancouver (B.C., Canada)-based group mandated to defend freedom of speech specifically in relation to issues of Palestinian rights or the criticism of Israeli policies. We write in support of Dr. Terri Ginsberg, whose credentials for a tenure-track position at NCSU were discounted in 2007-8 because of her expressed or implied political views. We are aware that the university’s legal counsel advised offering Dr. Ginsberg a grievance hearing, but that your predecessor  as chancellor, supported by your Board of Governors, denied her this opportunity to seek a remedy.  Continue reading

Muzzlewatch: Dershowitz v. MJ Rosenberg, Harvard One-State Conference

 The campaign to silence the indomitable, indispensible MJ Rosenberg (whose analysis of Netanyahu, Obama and AIPAC is the only glimmer of light we’ve seen) continues. The Emergency Committee for Israel (a truer McCarthyite organization there never was) published an attack in the NYTimes against MJ’s employer, Media Matters, as well as the Center for American Progress, two organizations with close ties to the Democratic Party. The ad quotes Alan Dershowitz’s critique of Media Matters and CAP, and Dershowitz didn’t like that – and in his articles and interviews opposing the ECI’s use of his words, Dersh has been very clear that he won’t stop until Media Matters fires MJ or the White House fires Media Matters.

MJ is the latest target of this chief muzzler, or “heresy hunter from Harvard,” as Jeremiah Haber calls Dershowitz, whose targets have included Richard Goldstone, Norm Finkelstein, Shlomo Sand, Anat Matar, Rachel Giora – at least MJ is in good company. JJ Goldberg of the Forward defends MJ here and MJ’s latest column is as smart, impassioned, insightful and indispensible as ever, proving, once again, how much we need his thinking, his intuition, his guts, and his voice. May he only get stronger and louder.  Continue reading

CAIA: Joint Statement on Minister Jason Kenney’s Condemnation of Israeli Apartheid Week

March 9, 2012

As organizations and groups committed to protecting freedom of expression and public debate on Palestine/Israel, we demand that Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Jason Kenney immediately retract his March 7th statement “condemning Israel Apartheid Week”. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/statements/2012/2012-03-07.asp

This statement is the Conservative government’s latest attempt to silence activist groups and organizations in Canada that act or speak in support of the basic human rights of the Palestinian people. While Kenney’s statement claims to value “free exchanges of ideas” and “academic dialogue,” his targeted condemnation of Israeli Apartheid Week events on Canadian universities this week (and in previous years) is a blatant attempt to shut down free expression for Palestine solidarity on campus.

The Harper government’s track record clearly reveals that it does not actually value the university as “an environment in which academic discourse can take place freely”. Indeed, it has been actively involved in undermining this ideal that it claims to uphold. Continue reading

CIM: Minister Kenney issues statement on ‘Israeli Apartheid Week’


Ottawa, March 7, 2012 – The Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, issued the following statement on ‘Israeli Apartheid Week’:Like many Canadians I am concerned with the rise of anti-Israel activities on campuses across Canada, culminating in the so-called ‘Israeli Apartheid Week’ (IAW), which is often promoted in a manner that disregards the rights and safety of Jewish students and professors.Universities are meant to offer an environment in which academic discourse can take place freely. Jewish faculty and students have the right to engage in this debate without feeling the need to conceal their identity, or to self-censor.  Continue reading

SPHR: Urgent Call for Solidarity with SPHR – University of Ottawa

The University of Ottawa Administration had threatened to cancel our Thursday event booking on campus, due to “an incident”.
But thanks to the immediate support that we’ve received, the University of Ottawa has re-confirmed the room reservation for the lecture event on Thursday, March 8th. As such, the panel discussion, entitled “Legalized Apartheid and Women’s Resistance in Palestine: Principled Solidarity and the Global Struggle for Liberation” will proceed as planned at 7:00pm that evening. 

However, the University has imposed the presence of agents from the Protection Services as a condition for the event to take place, after evaluating a complaint by unknown persons regarding our event on March 5th (“Arab Spring, Apartheid Falls? The Egyptian Uprising and Possibilities for Palestinian Resistance”). While we will not be contesting this decision at this point, it is our belief that such a security presence is unnecessary and does not contribute to a safe and open environment for our guests and speakers. Furthermore, despite repeated demands, we have received almost no information on the details and exact nature of the aforementioned complaint, leaving us entirely in the dark as to the reasons why a previously confirmed lecture event was precipitously placed in jeopardy only two days before it was due to take place.

We encourage you to demand more transparency from the University of Ottawa’s administration through the release of information about the complaint, as well as information as to how it was evaluated by the administration and how the latter motivated the decisions it took in consequence. It is both unacceptable and highly suspect that the University of Ottawa has taken such arbitrary action without any due explanation. 

Please refer to the detailed and updated call-out: 


Call on the University of Ottawa Administration to follow clear and transparent procedures.  Continue reading

SFSC Letter: Support for Israeli Apartheid Week Keynote at the University of Ottawa

March 7, 2012

Dear President Rock and Mr. Bergeron,

I recently learned that the University of Ottawa is threatening to prevent the keynote event for Israeli Apartheid Week in Ottawa from taking place, by cancelling the students’ pre-approved room booking. Hiding these silencing tactics behind the cover of bureaucracy is worrying. Israeli Apartheid Week is a week of educational and cultural events that critically engages with the policies undertaken by the Israeli state against the Palestinian people.  Continue reading